Hello everyone! My name is Ashley Rose. I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself, because I like to learn a bit about the people who run the blogs I like to follow, so I figured you might enjoy learning a little about me.
I've had a love of books and reading since I was a little girl. The photo to the left of my Mom and I reading together was taken in 1985 when I was 2 years old. If you are wondering the book she is reading to me is "The Curious Little Kitten's First Christmas." One of my many childhood favorites.
For a kid who LOVED books, learning to read unfortunately was a struggle for me, and I was diagnosed as dyslexic when I was in 2nd grade. I was very fortunate to have several teachers who took the time to help understand my learning disability and as you can tell I'm a very avid reader. One thing I still struggle with as a dyslexic is spelling. I like to spell phonetically, and even though spell check is wonderful I don't always catch everything. As a result of my learning disability I didn't just pick up any books as a kid (for example I never read the Narnia book growing up) but when I did find
something I enjoyed you couldn't get me to put it down. Some of my
favorite childhood reads included the American Girl books (specifically
Samantha) Charlotte's Web by E.B. White and the Thoroughbred Books by
Joanna Campbell & many more.
After college I was a book seller at Borders up until the company's liquidation. While working there I was one of several children's specialist. It wasn't my plan to work in a book store for just over four years, and if you asked me in college where I thought I would be when I turned 27 it would have been teaching history in a high school, not working in a bookstore, but I loved it there. It was while working there I started thinking about going back to school to become a librarian.
Today I work in a high school as a Library Aide. I primarily work at the library's circulation desk, but my favorite thing about my new job is getting to help select new books for the library's collection. I ultimately plan on going back to school to obtain my MLIS so I can become a school Librarian.
So that's me, I hope you enjoy my little corner of the world wide web. I look forward to sharing my favorite reads with you and hope you'll share with me in return! I always love getting recommendations!
-Ashley Rose